How Can We Help?

Know someone that deserves a free year of lawn care? Let us know who they are and tell us their story for an opportunity at just that. On March 1, 2018 we will select one person from each 50 submissions we get. Which means, the more submissions we get, the more deserving people will earn this free service.

Mr Rogers, a man we could all learn a lot from, was taught from a young age to  ‘look for the helpers‘ in any bad situation, and by putting this idea into practice was able to see that no matter how bad the situation, there was always Good all around, and there are always people willing to do what’s right. 

We recently took a look at this idea and thought about how we, CP Lawn Service and Landscaping, could be a ‘helper’ in our community. This is how our “How can we help?” initiative was born. No matter which side of the political and ideological spectrum you find yourself on, it is undeniable that it is much easier to find the negative than it is the positive in the circumstances around us. In order for this to change, we believe everyone will have to sacrifice something of themselves to bring about good. 

In an effort to do just that, we are offering free lawn care to a number of deserving individuals. This community has rewarded our efforts greatly in the infancy stage of our business, and we see this as a way to give back. So, please share this post and submit your candidate for free lawn care, we want to be able to award this service to as many people as possible this coming Spring. 

We also hope that this will encourage anyone who reads this to ask “How can I help?” throughout the day and take the time to look for the ‘helpers’ all around them.

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